There are various easy and quick ways to get a girlfriend. In this article, we will discuss various tips and strategies to get a boyfriend that matches your criteria. Of course, this requires little struggle and effort from yourself. But do not worry, all that business will be paid off once you succeeded in holding a man or woman idol of your heart.

To get a girlfriend is actually not a difficult thing. You do not need to be inferior if you feel you do not have a physical appearance like a soap star. There are things beyond physical appearance that can make other people fall in love, and it is these things that are far more important and can help you get a boyfriend with ease. Immediately, the following tips from Us:

By Dustin McClure on, Creative Commons

10. Be friendly

The first step to get a girlfriend is actually not difficult: try to be friendly to others. Try to warmly greet your friends, especially to potential people who become "target" or your boyfriend. Lots of smiles and do not put on a sullen face in public.

Many people who think (especially men) we will look interesting if it is cool  and cool. This is not entirely true, as either a woman or a man likes a warm partner and shows a friendly attitude.

9. Look neat and clean

You do not need to always come up with branded designer designer goods to get a girlfriend. Enough to always look neat and clean, because after all the appearance plays an important role in building the impression of others against you. Always use clean clothes, avoid wearing clothes for two days-in a row. If you wear a shirt, make sure to iron it.

Your body hygiene also needs to be considered, especially hair hygiene, mouth, and nails. With a more neat appearance, you will automatically look more confident.

8. Try to chat with your "target"

This may sound very difficult for some people, but the most powerful way to make it easier for you to get a girlfriend is to invite the "target" to talk. At the beginning of the approach, try to make small talk and just say hello. If by chance you find the right momentum, take advantage to talk together.

Also use this chat opportunity to find out more about the character of the target. Observe what his hobbies and interests are, and how they are. One important point, be sure to listen more than talk too much about yourself.

7. Find an activity where you can both get together

Try to find the times where you can spend time alone with a boyfriend. If you can not enter the same class, look for extracurricular activities or organizational activities that allow you to spend time together. If necessary, arrange your schedule to match the schedule.

The more intensive your interactions with the target, the easier and faster the process of making it as a boyfriend. Especially if in these activities you can show the various advantages that make him more amazed at you.

6. Social networking

Take advantage of some social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Also use this medium to observe the background and the various activities that are the target's favorite. Social networking can also be used as an effective communication medium if you both do not have enough time to meet face to face directly.

One thing to keep in mind, you must also understand the norms of the internet. Do not let you do excessive things in social media to attract attention, or write something that can actually make it away from you.

5. Have a good relationship with friends

Another step that is quite effective to get a girlfriend is to establish a network of friends as much as possible. Join an activity where you can get lots of friends, and when you've found your target, get close to his best friends. If necessary, you can use these friends to help you get the target.

Try to engage in various activities that are commonly done by the target friends. Try to be accepted into the community. Show that you are enjoying time with friends, so he will be more interested in you.

4. Confident and mature

Both men and women will prefer the opposite sex who appear confident and mature. These two criteria are highly sought after by people looking for a potential spouse or boyfriend seriously. No woman is attracted to the boyish attitude of men, and on the contrary they will be very respectful to the man who is able to look cool , rational, and mature.

To build confidence, you can read the article " 10 Tips to Increase Confidence " which we published a few days ago. Confidence is one of the key points to get a girlfriend that suits your dreams.

3. Pay particular attention to it

Give more attention to the target. The trick is actually quite simple, ranging from saying hello and mutual greeting each other when passing each other. Try to always understand what he needs and if necessary you can offer help to him. Notice also when he was a birthday, and start by congratulating via SMS, phone or social networking.

If your relationship is getting closer, you can try to give various gifts to the target on special days. The gift does not need to be expensive or luxurious, but it just shows your attention to it.

2. Invite the him in a date or a date

Furthermore, you must take significant steps to make him a boyfriend. Encourage him to spend time alone with you, perhaps through an invitation to a movie together in a cinema or invite him to a romantic dinner. In essence, you should be able to find the right moment to be alone with him.

When you feel ready to take her on a date , be prepared to face rejection. Try to keep cool and cool if he refuses your invitation. Do not force her, and try to give her a bit of pause before inviting her a second time.

1. Show that you are serious about making it a girlfriend

You need to make sure he receives all of your attention and special treatment to him. Show that you are really serious and not kidding to make it as a boyfriend. This is actually quite easy, just by not looking too much closer to other men or women in your community.

Try to always pay attention and help him sincerely. All things done sincerely will ultimately be felt not only by you, but also your spouse. If he feels that you are really serious and show signs of willingness, then the next step to express your love and make it a girlfriend is easy.

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